NDSU | Renaissance Hall
The $9 million renovation of a 1903 historic downtown warehouse in Fargo, North Dakota has housed the North Dakota State University Visual Arts and Architecture & Landscape Architecture Departments since its grand opening in August, 2004.
“We worked together very closely throughout the process of design and reconstruction of the Renaissance Hall project. MJBA assisted us when hurdles were placed in our path and always saw the positive possibilities of continued success. The project was a real challenge, but the results are truly outstanding!”
The project is a complete renovation of the existing 75,000-square-foot building, which includes a fifth-floor addition to accommodate architectural studio space and a mechanical penthouse. The structure initially called the Robb-Lawrence Co. warehouse, was constructed in 1903 according to plans drawn by William C. Albrant, a former NDSU student. In 1920, Northern School Supply moved into the building and became a downtown fixture for decades. The company closed its doors in 1997, and the building was purchased by School Specialty Inc., Appleton, Wis. It was slated for demolition in 2000.
The building was saved from the wrecking ball when it was purchased by NDSU alumnus Doug Burgum, senior vice president at Microsoft Corp. In 2001, the building was gifted to the university through collaboration with the NDSU Development Foundation, the City of Fargo, and Burgum. Project funding also comes from historic preservation and Renaissance Zone tax credits.
The former Northern School Supply building, located at 650 NP Ave. in Fargo’s Downtown Historic District, has been transformed into an interdisciplinary, shared facility that houses the university’s visual arts department, significant components of the architecture and landscape architecture department, and the Tri-College University office. The $10 million project includes studios, classrooms, a wood shop, a digital media room, a gallery, and an outdoor sculpture area.
The site provides a small parking lot and a landscaped plaza on its eastern edge, which the students and downtown community share.
The pivotal building in the Downtown Fargo Historic District met rigorous National Park Service Guidelines and received both Historic Tax Credits and ND Renaissance Zone Credits.
NDSU Downtown is the first project in North Dakota to use and receive the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System Certification.
You can learn more and see what others say about our projects here at the Society of Architectural Historians. Renaissance Hall, North Dakota State University

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