NDSU | Minard Hall

Minard Hall is NDSU’s primary “classroom” building. It houses the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and 115 faculty offices. The building contains 10 “university” classrooms and 14 departmental seminar rooms. The programming process determined the feasibility of renovating Minard Hall on the North Dakota State University Campus.
Completed in 2003, the historic Minard Hall Addition was designed as “University space,” intended for use by any department requiring additional classroom or lecture space on campus. As a link between the Music Education Building, built in 1985, and Historic Minard Hall, it serves as a gathering space for students with a new coffee service area and the inviting second-floor mezzanine overlooking the first-floor commons area. The state-of-the-art learning center includes classrooms that are equipped for “PBL” (Problem-Based Learning) and AV/IT interaction between faculty and students.