NDSCS | Allied Health Predesign

The predesign was to revitalize the Mildred Johnson Library to meet current and future program needs. The project included relocating selected Allied Health programs, which also required updating and light renovation of the Mayme Green Allied Health Center. A comprehensive study of the facility utilization for the affected areas was conducted as a project component.
The current library demonstrated the need to modernize the existing library programming and overall space utilization of the facility. The project included redesigning and renovating the Mildred Johnson Library into a multipurpose facility. Existing library services are rescaled to have shared learning spaces and learning commons with access to digital, multimedia, and traditional resources to modernize the offerings. Additionally, some health-related programs were relocated to the facility as space allowed. This eases overcrowding in the existing Mayme Green Allied Health Center and provides for expanding the Nursing program, simulation labs, and modernization of the Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting instructional areas.