U of M Crookston | Evergreen Hall
Evergreen Hall is a 53,230 SF apartment housing that provides 132 beds. Two wings, each with 16 two-bedroom/4-bed units, are connected by a two story link. The new residence hall includes academic classrooms, student lounges, sandwich shop, offices, and staff apartments.
“Evergreen Hall is truly a living, learning center. It showcases the technological advantages offered by the Crookston campus and capitalizes on a history of computer-based innovation”
The facility is constructed as a slab-on-grade, wood-framed, brick veneer structure with a roof constructed with typical wood trusses covered with shingles. A single-story Gathering Space addition to the north end of the east wing of the complex serves as a coffee/small dining facility. All exterior materials match the adjacent Centennial Hall, completed in 2005.